You’re getting lost in the weeds. The point of my article, which I made abundantly clear, was that these terms are harmful, not that they’re the worst thing afflicting men. You’re projecting so much onto me that it’s impossible to even hold a discussion. No, I never said that men commit suicide because they don’t express their feelings or that being categorized into alphas and betas is the worst issue men face. And I deeply care about men more than you could ever know. I care about humans, which is why I identify first and foremost as an anti-capitalist. Those issues you described which affect men are not specifically men’s issues, they’re broader systemic issues that affect many demographics. Until we can establish some solidarity in combating poverty, suicide, and the unjust criminal justice system, we won’t make any progress. I care about how systemic injustice affects everyone, but MRAs typically solely care how they affect men. If they genuinely cared about inequality and suicide, they’d join a leftist movement.