No, the blame doesn't go to the individual, at least primarily. If our politicians prioritized mass transit instead of gas guzzling cars and road development, like they do in Europe, then the ultimate people to blame are the people in power, not the individuals who rely on the transportation system that was developed largely before they were born (Eisenhower created the interstate system). Perhaps if individuals voted in a better way, then yes I would agree that individuals bear certain amount of responsibility, but if what's stopping us from moving toward a green energy economy isn't individual choices, its the mass infrastructure that's put in place by the government and our government's (the US's) shameful subsidizing of fossil fuels.
Even China provides better high speed rail than the US. You also can't pick your power provider, and there are more emissions from industry and electricity combined than all of transportation anyway.
Finally, a completely green lifestyle for poor people is very expensive- many locales don't even provide recycling.