I didn't say the terms originally came from incels, I said this: "The five terms below are very commonly used among incels." There are entire giant ass pages about these terms on "incel wiki" for god's sake, you can't deny that incels use them a lot.
And for your education, here's a definition of manosphere: "The manosphere is a collection of websites, blogs, and online forums promoting masculinity, strong opposition to feminism, and misogyny. Movements within the manosphere include the men's rights movement, incels, Men Going Their Own Way, pick-up artists, and fathers' rights groups."
Sorry to burst your bubble, but MRAs are not "liberal," they're much closer to the alt-right. If you're going to pedantically claim that these movements aren't aligned in promoting a misogynistic worldview, then you must be too deeply entrenched in that myopic ideology to see the forest for the trees. I care deeply about men's issues, and the other people I know who actually genuinely care about men's issues are all feminists. I want to deconstruct concepts like "alphas" and "betas" precisely because I care about men and I think it dehumanizes men to stratify them like that. Movements like incels and MGTOW and even MRAs don't truly care about promoting the welfare of other men, they only care about disparaging women and soothing their own egos. They see their "friends" reach the brink of suicide and don't even try to talk them out of it. They're so nihilistic and lacking in compassion that they only care about something if it directly affects themselves.